Rise of the Tomb Raider : Xbox 360 vs Xbox ONE
Last days , many videos were posted on Youtube , and also between them Rise of the Tomb Raider .
I had the pleasure to see these clips,of course without Spoiler and Clips .
I saw the Syria gameplay on Xbox 360 and i have to say that Nixxes Software ( Xbox 360 developer of Rise) did a great work with models,shadows and effects.
We know that on Xbox One , Crystal Dynamics gave the best for let us playing a very Good Game , in quality and Graphics and we are proud of it .
I personally made some screens of the Xbox 360 and Xbox One to give you a comparison between the 2 graphics.
For a 10 years old Console , Xbox 360, gave us a great demostration on what an Xbox 360 can really do .
Here are some comparion between them :
Remember you that Rise of the Tomb Raider is very close :
November 10 ( USA ) , November 12 ( Japan ) , November 13 ( Europe )
First period of 2016 on PC
Final period od 2016 on PS4
See you in the next article , Bye !
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