Lara Croft GO : Square Enix opens a new Website and three new soundtracks

Today Square Enix revealed something new about Lara Croft GO :

Here are some new screens of the game , very beautiful.
We can see the snake and the gigant spiders return,and also new enviorments :

And the new thing is that Square Enix opened a new Game site that you can visit by the link below :

Lara Croft GO - Official Site

And three new sound tracks that you can  listen in  Lara Croft GO - Official Site

Ok,so the news are end !

I Remind you that LARA CROFT GO Will be launched August 27th on Android,Tablets and IPhone/IPad , Windows Phone for only $4.99
Dont miss it !

Remind you to also follow our Facebook page by link below :

Tomb Raider Drawings : Facebook Page

See you in the next article !
